August 19, 2009

Take me out to the ballgame!

Friday night we met up with our friends Jeff and Aaron for dinner and a Greenville Drive baseball game. Aaron is about 12 weeks pregnant now and they were getting a little taste of life as parents. Austin had recently gotten up from a late nap and was going full speed all throughout dinner. He wiggled and squirmed around in the booth, kept trying to crawl on top of the table and was grabbing at whatever was in his reach. Of course, this is pretty much normal behavior for us and as Aaron and Jeff looked on with confusion while we juggled our little man around, we just hoped they weren't rethinking their decision to have one of their own!

The baseball game was surprisingly a different story. Austin sat calmly in Ryan's lap (for the most part) and watched the game and peered around at all the people. He started flirting with a 70-something-year-old woman in front of us and I think it really made her day. Aaron and I wanted to take our turns holding my sweet baby but he would not sit still for either one of us. However, while passing him back down the line to his daddy, Jeff got a hold of him and Austin seemed content. I don't know what it was, but he wouldn't stop wiggling and squirming for me and Aaron, but he was perfectly calm and content sitting with either of the two guys.

Jeff held him for a good part of the last inning and into the Friday night fireworks show after the Drive took home a victory. Austin sat back and watched the fireworks until one of them startled him and he practically went flying into the arms of his daddy. Once in daddy's arms, however, he went back to enjoying the show.

It seems that while my little guy is quite the mommy's boy during the week, when Ryan is home for the weekends, Austin just can't get enough! He's so lucky to have such an amazing father!

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