So, after Ryan got off work one Friday, we decided to go see Santa since we figured a Friday night would be less crowded than Saturday. Austin was dressed in his new Christmas sweater and looking awfully cute. We waited in line for about 30 minutes and he was happy as could be. He was flirting with all the people around us, watching all the little kids bouncing around and was totally amazed by the toy flying helicopters buzzing over his head. We approached Santa when it was finally our turn, set Austin down in his lap, and not one second later our happy, social baby took one look at Santa and started screaming his little head off like Santa had just bit him or something! We tried EVERYTHING to get him to stop until we just had to give up and let the next kid in line take his turn. As soon as we grabbed Austin and started walking away, the screaming and waterworks stopped like magic and we had our happy little baby back! We turned around to head back to Santa, hoping the drama was all over, but no such luck. Austin started screaming again and we quickly made our exit.
I can't tell you how disappointed we were. I hadn't even thought there was a possibility that Austin would act like that. He loves people and rarely meets a stranger so I thought our biggest problem would be that we wouldn't be able to get Austin to look at us because he'd be so fascinated with Santa. I guess I was seriously wrong...or maybe he just needed some warming up first and maybe a nap just beforehand...hmm.....
The next day we decided to go back and try again. Friday night was just a fluke, we convinced ourselves of that, we just didn't do it right the first time and needed to try again! We left right after Austin's afternoon nap, fed him a snack right beforehand and entertained our happy baby while waiting in line for about 15 minutes this time. We rounded the corner when it was our turn to go, Austin took one look at Santa from afar and began screaming and crying...again. Just the sight of Santa sitting in his big green chair sent our sweet, happy baby into hysterics!!
We were determined to get a picture this time and just had to hold Austin in our own laps and make Santa stand behind us so Austin couldn't see him. He still didn't smile, but the screaming stopped and we were able to at least get Austin and Santa in the same picture.
Here's hoping for better luck next year!!

Ugh, as soon as you said "his new Christmas sweater" I thought he better not be wearing that adorable reindeer sweater from Janie and Jack... cannot believe he really was!!! I wanted it for John Dickson, but he's gotten so many Christmas clothes already that I figured I'd wait and see if I could get it at a steal after Christmas and hang onto it until next year. Love that store!! Those pictures are really adorable too!
AWW!! He looks adorable though!
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