Christmas at our house started dark and early as Ryan and I tried to get up before Austin to spend a little alone time and open our presents to each other. It wasn't long though before the little guy was awake and ready to see what Santa brought!

Austin's presents from Santa before mommy and daddy unpackaged and set everything up...

Ryan and I went to get our little guy out of his crib together and he was so excited to go downstairs to see what Santa had left...

We both had a bet to see which toy he went for first and we were both right! Austin loved his stacking blocks and couldn't resist going straight for them to knock them all down!

Austin also really loved his Jack-in-the-Box and walking gorilla...

...but this kid loves to stack and was thrilled to see his Melissa & Doug wooden stacking center!

We had to wrap up playtime a little early and start getting ready for our drive to Columbia to see my family. We arrived at Mimi and Papas before noon and got to see what else Santa had brought!

Santa stopped in Columbia as well and brought Austin a rocking horse...

...which he loved! He also loved the candy cane that he was sucking on right before this picture and got all over his chin.

The rest of the family arrived around noon and Aunt Dianne couldn't resist kissing those sweet baby cheeks!

Aunt Geri wore a singing elf hat and Austin couldn't quite figure out if he liked it or was terrified of it...

...but we put it on him anyway and Aunt Dianne thought it was HILARIOUS! :)

Aunt Catherine was there and got in some playtime with the little munchkin.

He opened up even more toys and loved them all!

Time for a water break!

At the end of the day we played Chinese Christmas and Ryan had to model his Snuggie to see if he could temp anyone to come and steal it!

We left Columbia that evening and drove back to Greenville where Grandma Jo Ann was waiting for us to arrive so she could watch Austin open up even more gifts!

He wasn't sure what to do with his popcorn popper...

...but he knew how to bang on the xylophone!

We opened gift after gift until that little boy could open no longer.

He grabbed his $100 bill for his bank account and went to bed.
Mommy and Daddy finished upwrapping the rest of their gifts and headed to bed themselves.
What a wonderful Christmas day!!
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